Marketing Strategy Of Giva

Hey there, bling enthusiasts, fashionistas, and all-around jewelry lovers! Get ready to embark on a dazzling journey with GIVA – your go-to destination for all things fabulous and shiny. We as a jewellery branding agency are excited to discover their marketing strategy, are you?

jewellery branding agency

The Foundation of GIVA's Growth Strategy: In-Depth Market Analysis

Well before the inception of GIVA, the founders recognized the importance of conducting comprehensive market research to gain insights into consumer needs and behaviors.

Their entire marketing strategy and digital approach have been built upon this foundational step. The research unearthed some eye-opening facts, such as the average consumer expenditure on jewelry in the United States, which ranged from Rs. 9,000 to Rs. 10,000. In India, however, this average spending was three times higher.

Traditional Indian customs encourage consumers to invest in gold jewelry as a way to commemorate significant life milestones.

Additionally, gold and silver jewelry purchases have been historically considered investments for the future. Surprisingly, the GIVA team uncovered a willingness among Indian consumers to explore alternative jewelry options that they also saw as investment-worthy.

Another intriguing revelation was that consumers were hesitant to purchase gold online, even when presented with a wide array of choices.

In the realm of artificial jewelry, options were abundant, but consumers were less concerned about the need for investment.

Thus, consumers found themselves at a crossroads, needing to choose between variety and investment, unable to have both. These findings influenced the development of distinct marketing strategies.

Within this gap, GIVA identified a golden opportunity. In 2019, they ventured into the sterling silver jewelry market.

Armed with a modest initial investment of Rs. 10,00,000, a limited range of products for their inaugural collection, and a website, the brand made its debut.

Elevating Marketing Strategy: Illuminating Purpose Over Products

Incorporating the concept of “Purpose” as the fifth P of Marketing, GIVA’s marketing approach embodies this idea at its core.

It’s a meticulously crafted blend of influencer marketing, social media outreach, and performance marketing. Across all these channels, a unified and unwavering message resounds: GIVA represents transparency, purity, and authenticity.

Website Evolution: Igniting the Spark and Charting the Path to Progress

When you explore GIVA’s website, one thing becomes evident – a deliberate emphasis on simplicity and exceptional functionality.

In contrast to many other small-to-medium-sized D2C brands, which often allocate substantial portions of their initial capital and resources to website development, GIVA opted for a straightforward Shopify template, allowing them to launch their website in under a week. The backbone of their rapid growth? Digital marketing, executed swiftly and effectively.

Website Evolution: Igniting the Spark and Charting the Path to Progress

When you explore GIVA’s website, one thing becomes evident – a deliberate emphasis on simplicity and exceptional functionality.

In contrast to many other small-to-medium-sized D2C brands, which often allocate substantial portions of their initial capital and resources to website development, GIVA opted for a straightforward Shopify template, allowing them to launch their website in under a week. The backbone of their rapid growth? Digital marketing, executed swiftly and effectively.


GIVA’s marketing journey is a tale of innovation, purpose, and adaptability. From understanding consumer needs through comprehensive market research to embracing the power of influencer marketing and social media, every step has been strategic and purpose-driven.

The infusion of “Purpose” as the fifth P of Marketing underscores GIVA’s commitment to transparency, purity, and authenticity, elevating their brand beyond mere products. This approach has resonated deeply with consumers, forging a strong emotional connection.

The choice of Anushka Sharma as the brand’s face was a masterstroke, aligning her values with GIVA’s and making a profound statement about the aesthetics and appeal of their jewelry. This move has not only attracted the quintessential modern, urban woman but also reinforced GIVA’s message.

The brand’s judicious use of digital marketing and social media has not only fueled their rapid growth but also allowed them to reiterate their purpose consistently. This, in turn, has led to increased website traffic and enhanced user engagement across various platforms.

As GIVA looks to the future, their well-planned monthly strategies and retargeting campaigns promise to keep their engaged consumers captivated and their brand shining brightly in the world of fine jewelry.

In conclusion, GIVA’s marketing strategy is a testament to their commitment to excellence, authenticity, and continuous evolution. It’s a journey that started with a vision and has blossomed into a remarkable story of growth, innovation, and success in the world of fine jewelry.






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