Marketing Strategy Of Gymshark

Step into the world of activewear awesomeness with GymShark, a brand that’s not just loved by fitness fanatics and fashion-forward folks, but practically worshipped! Picture this: a brand that’s soaring high in the fitness realm, all thanks to its incredible tribe of loyal customers. Join HavStrategy and get to know the marketing strategy of gymshark in the fit party as we unravel the fascinating tale of GymShark’s rise to glory! 

marketing strategy of gymshark

Marketing Strategy

GymShark’s marketing strategy is primarily to use all the major social networks like Twitter, Instagram, Youtube, Pinterest, Facebook, and Tiktok. 

In addition to this, it also uses other forms of digital platforms. All this being said, it also dives deep into influencer marketing strategy, GymShark has adopted Instagram as a means to promote their products.

Being a personal fan of Lex Griffin and Chris Lavado, the very popular YouTubers and gym freaks. Initially, they started collaborating with various Instagrammers and bloggers for more reach, they followed the method of selected influencers to enhance their customer base, and they collaborated with many famous influencers to take GymShark up. 

Their influencers not only promote their products but also give ideas for captions and bios. They also announced their “66 days | Change Your Life” challenge on their website and other social media platforms in which basically the followers took this challenge and posted on their stories for the same. 

Not only this GymShark also follows a content marketing strategy in which they include blogs, newsletters, and Spotify playlists. Through informative blogs and newsletters, they create awareness among audiences regarding various topics on fitness. Another takeaway from their marketing strategy is that they post different content on all social media platforms instead of posting the same content on all social media platforms.

Influencer Marketing Strategy

Ever noticed how Gymshark effortlessly rides the e-commerce wave, making a splash on Instagram like a pro surfer catching the perfect wave? If you’re nodding your head, chances are you’ve stumbled upon the Gymshark goodness while scrolling through your Insta feed – just like the rest of us mere mortals!

But hold onto your kettlebells, because here comes the plot twist: Gymshark cracked the influencer code and changed the game! Imagine this: two fitness gurus, Lex Griffin and Chris Lavado, who also happen to be YouTube sensations, got their hands on some Gymshark gear back in 2013, courtesy of none other than Ben Francis – the mastermind behind Gymshark. And guess what? This move was a stroke of pure genius!

Why, you ask? Well, as the early 2010s started setting YouTube on fire, Gymshark was quick to seize the moment and turn it into a golden marketing opportunity. So there you have it, the epic tale of how Gymshark took the world of fitness fashion by storm, with a dash of influencer magic and a sprinkle of YouTube stardom! Gymshark not only masters the art of Instagram but also cracked the influencer code, changing the game in fitness fashion marketing strategy

marketing strategy of gymshark
marketing strategy of gymshark

In the realm of boosting customer delight, Gymshark dances to the beat of selecting prime influencers. This clever strategy involves teaming up with renowned athletes and trendsetters, all geared towards elevating their product sales. These influencer partnerships are like magic spells, with Gymshark products showcased and recommended in their captions and bios, beckoning the masses to explore the Gymshark universe and snag some slick apparel of their own.

marketing strategy of gymshark

Step by step, they embarked on exciting partnerships with an array of Instagram stars and bloggers, all in the name of expanding their horizons. Gymshark scoured the digital realm for individuals who breathed fitness and then, like a symphony of success, they joined forces with influencers like Whitney Simmons and Nikki Blackketter.

Gymshark's Epic Marketing Adventure: Transform Your Life in 66 Days!

Unveiled across Gymshark’s website and various social media realms, the “66 Days | Change Your Life” endeavor burst into the scene. Enthusiasts were invited to embrace this challenge, involving a captivating twist – capturing their transformation journey with a before-and-after snapshot after a remarkable 66 days of dedication.

marketing strategy of gymshark
marketing strategy of gymshark

Gymshark hit the jackpot with this marketing escapade. Within a mere few weeks, the #Gymshark66 hashtag flooded across the digital landscape – conquering platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, and more. The outcome? Gymshark’s reach expanded to impressive new horizons.

Tapping into the capabilities of social media platforms

Tapping into social media platforms such as Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, and Pinterest, Gymshark has skillfully extended its outreach to the masses, while also igniting brand awareness.

Now, let’s take a look at the exciting content on each of these platforms: On Instagram, you’ll find lots of fitness influencers and motivational posts. On Twitter, it’s all about fun memes and tweets that connect with a wide audience.

To illustrate, here’s a glimpse of their most recent tweet –

YouTube: Instructional videos, daring challenges, and invigorating workout sessions.

Pinterest: Collections of workout tutorials and chic activewear ensembles.

Diving into Gymshark's Social Media Interaction

As mentioned earlier, Gymshark wholeheartedly interacts with its audience across every social media avenue. Their trio of Instagram accounts, each boasting a colossal following of over a million, stands as a testament to their widespread embrace by the audience.

TikTok, crowned as the reigning champion of downloaded social media apps in the US by September 2018, boasting a staggering 500 million monthly active users worldwide, has also found its niche within Gymshark’s audience outreach strategy. The brand forged partnerships with a constellation of TikTok influencers, including the Wilking Sisters (1.2M fans), Rybka Twins (5.7M fans), Laurie Elle (2.8M fans), Twin Melody (6.3M fans), Lesotwins (1.5M fans), and Antonie Lokhorst (4M fans). These influencers took to their feeds to share captivating videos entwined with fitness, health, and lifestyle inspirations.

Venturing into the realm of hashtags, these digital signposts have evolved into a vital component of contemporary social media campaigns. Brands ingeniously weave them into their content, crafting memorable and catchy tags that seamlessly stick in the minds of the audience. Swiftly igniting virality, these hashtags emerge as powerful tools for companies.

Gymshark is a leader in using hashtags creatively. Each month, they introduce a new hashtag that becomes really popular online. For instance, #TheGymshark66 campaign became a sensation thanks to this hashtag. And the impact doesn’t stop there – they’ve also made many local events in different cities popular using smart hashtags.

Gymshark's Approach to Content Marketing

Gymshark has expertly mastered the art of content marketing, sculpting a strategy that effortlessly weaves together blogs, newsletters, and even curated Spotify playlists. Every facet of this strategy is a gentle nudge to invite individuals into the Gymshark universe, where the realms of fitness and fashion blend seamlessly.

Taking a closer look at Gymshark’s content landscape, their blogs and newsletters take center stage. With a blend of enlightening insights and compelling information, Gymshark’s platform serves as a beacon, illuminating a diverse array of fitness-related topics. From shedding light on various health conditions to unraveling the mysteries of different supplements and sharing nourishing recipes, the Gymshark Central blog, nestled within their website, is a consistent hub where these informative gems find a home.

Gymshark's Collaborative Approach: Crafting Spotify Playlists

Gymshark strategically leverages widely embraced platforms to swiftly connect with a broad audience. In the realm of Spotify, the brand curates playlists featuring renowned fitness personalities, motivating their audience to elevate their gym experience with energizing tunes.

marketing strategy of gymshark

Putting Customers at the Helm: Gymshark's Strategic Focus

Gymshark, a rapidly growing fitness apparel brand, has doubled in size each year for three consecutive years. This remarkable success stems from their customer-focused approach that influences every aspect of their business.

Gymshark excels at creating engaging content that goes beyond product features. This helps customers make informed choices and feel they can trust the brand.

By valuing customer feedback, Gymshark fosters a sense of belonging and appreciation among its customers. This customer-centric strategy has contributed to their impressive growth.

marketing strategy of gymshark

Gymshark’s spectacular growth can be attributed to several factors: partnering with fitness celebrities, launching self-development initiatives, expressing gratitude to customers, and actively addressing and learning from negative feedback. Their relentless commitment to customer satisfaction has been the cornerstone of their remarkable progress.

Wrapping Up

When you explore Gymshark’s website, customer reviews, blogs, newsletters, and Instagram pages, you’ll notice something special. Even though their gym wear and products might be pricey, people are content and pleased because they feel important and valued. Another thing to learn from Gymshark’s approach is that they share diverse content on different social media sites, rather than just repeating the same things everywhere.

Moreover, they’ve connected their online presence with real-world events through pop-up gatherings in various cities. All in all, Gymshark has done everything possible to reach their goals.

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